BLOC Buy/Sell Taxes

Buy Tax – 3%


  • 45% BLOC Burn

  • 30% Yield Farm

  • 20% Single Stake

  • 5% NFT Contract

Sell Tax – 3%


  • 45% BLOC Burn

  • 30% Yield Farm

  • 20% Single Stake

  • 5% NFT Contract

When formulating the breakdown of tax destinations, the BlockCentral team wanted to emphasize the importance of users within the mechanics. 55% of taxes go to rewarding BlockCentral users. The remaining 45% will be burned automatically, ensuring consistent deflationary pressure on the token.

Taxes collected, as well as tokens purchased and designated for rewards, will accumulate in their respective receiver contracts. When they reach the equivalent of ~$400 in BLOC tokens, the receiver contract will trigger for distribution to their previously stated destinations.

Last updated