How To Exit

It is naive to think users will be engaged with BlockCentral forever. The team actively encourages users to manage their holdings in a healthy and risk-mitigating manner. While the team believes no one is 'early' or 'late' to the protocol due to its well-crafted mechanics, there are some techniques users can employ when removing capital from the ecosystem that are both healthy for BlockCentral and profitable for the end user:

  • Increase the 'Take Profit' and decrease the 'Compound' percentages in the user's customizable passive income strategy.

  • Remove and break up LP tokens from the farm. This would give users access to 50% of the liquid value in wETH for their short-term capital needs. The remaining half of BLOC can be put into the Single Staking pool for additional returns without the risk of impermanent loss.

  • Avoid 'dumping' large positions in one transaction. This can create a significant price impact and lower user returns. By laddering out of a position in smaller increments over a couple of days, users let the market breathe and allow new capital to enter at more favorable prices for their individual goals.

  • In select emergency situations, the BlockCentral core team would consider an over-the-counter (OTC) arrangement, accounting for the appropriate sell taxes, etc. This would be rare in occurrence and at the complete discretion of the BlockCentral core team. Users can explore this option when considering significant movement within the protocol.

Last updated