Decaying Feature

BlockCentral NFTs will earn weekly lifetime rewards from a unique decaying smart contract. 19.1% of the token supply (15 million tokens) will be locked in a contract.

The NFT contract will decay slowly using a percentage-based system, releasing tokens to the NFT holders. This will keep rewards flowing while also accounting for long-term token appreciation.

The team will decide on the rate of decay to ensure strong weekly rewards that are also sustainable for the protocol. This decay rate can be adjusted anytime, at the team's discretion.

If NFTs are redeemed, the contract will continue to decay as stated. Redemption does not impact the continuous decay of the contract.

Accounting for these new features, BlockCentral NFTs will offer holders lifetime rewards, paid in BLOC, sustainably. And if an NFT holder wishes to sell, they can seek a buyer on the secondary market or redeem the NFT immediately.

Last updated